The Software Preservation Network is proud to announce that the 2nd Edition of our Preservationist’s Guide to the DMCA Exemption for Software Preservation has been published! Download your copy here:

Prepared for SPN by Kendra Albert and Kee Young Lee of the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic, the Guide lays out the key elements of the latest rule permitting libraries, archives, and museums to break digital locks to enable software preservation. In addition to a clear, layperson-friendly explanation of the DMCA statute and the latest exemptions, the Guide includes a handy checklist that practitioners can use to determine whether preservation of a particular software title is permitted by the rule. The Guide is the culmination of SPN's work to propose and defend workable rules to enable software preservation despite complex and sometimes discouraging copyright rules. The Guide (including the checklist) can also be found at doi:10.5281/zenodo.7328909.

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Jess Farrell | she/her/hers
Community Facilitator
Educopia Institute

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