

Dear colleagues,

The Integrating Preservation Functionality into ePADD (or ePADD+) project has officially concluded, and the project team is pleased to share these final announcements.

Release of ePADD Version 10.0

We are happy to announce the release of ePADD Version 10.0, along with an updated user guide. This release includes a new optional integration of the email format conversion tool, Emailchemy, which allows users to directly import a broad spectrum of email formats other than Mbox, as well as to export email collections in either EML or Mbox formats for preservation.

Recording of the Final Project Presentation

The ePADD+ team also hosted a final project presentation and community meeting on 19 January 2023. The presentation included a full overview of the project and all the new features added over the past two years, as well as a demonstration of the new features and a community roadmapping session.

New Ways to Get Involved with the ePADD Community

As we wrap up the ePADD+ project, the team is excited to launch the next chapter of ePADD, which we hope will encourage even more community members to collectively advance this important open-source project.

We greatly appreciate the collaboration that the email archiving community has demonstrated over the past two years of this project. From offering feedback on the functional requirements, to responding to surveys, being software testers, and participating in roadmap brainstorming discussions - the success of this project would not have been possible without the contributions from our community.

A final special thanks to the team behind the Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community regrant program - administered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (#098468-18280) and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (#1905-06768) - who funded this work and provided immense support throughout the project.

Warm regards,

Tricia (ePADD+ co-project manager)

Tricia Patterson (she/her/hers)
Senior Digital Preservation Specialist
Harvard University

90 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
+1 617/496-4747

Champions of Curiosity


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