

Forwarding on behalf of Sam Backer:

CFP: Keystone DH 2023 -- Deadline February 15th, 2023

Submissions are open for Keystone DH 2023, a digital humanities conference to be held at Johns Hopkins University's Center for Digital Humanities<> on June 16th and 17th, 2023 in Baltimore, MD. Keystone DH is an annual conference and a network of institutions and practitioners committed to advancing collaborative scholarship in digital humanities research and pedagogy across the Mid-Atlantic.

The theme for this year’s conference will be Scale. Digital techniques have enabled scholars and practitioners both in and out of the academy to explore problems and topics well beyond the reach of traditional tools and methods: collaborations bring together far-flung participants; massive data sets can be assembled and analyzed with ease; accessible tools allow community-centered organizing while new approaches to teaching enable innovative classroom structures. At the same time, experience and scholarship have created a new awareness of the perils of digital scale. Without care, data is easily stripped of its context, alienated from the communities it describes, and incorporated into oppressive structures of power.

This theme will be explored by the conference's keynote speakers: Professors André Brock, who will be exploring questions of distributed blackness, and Ted Underwood, who will examine the potential for large language models and literary criticism.

We encourage presentations that explore questions of scale in the Digital Humanities—whether analysis based on a large data-set, an investigation of Silicon Valley labor practices, a pedagogical approach that moves between group sizes, or a critique of a digital methodology, tool, or technique. Proposals are also welcome on any aspect of digital technologies and their application to the humanities and/or social sciences beyond this theme. We highly encourage projects that focus on the collaborative nature of research and teaching. Senior scholars should foreground the labor of students, librarians, and/or the community that sustained the project.
Presentations may take the form of short papers, community projects, panel discussions or roundtables, workshops, poster sessions, or showcase demonstrations. Works in progress will also be accepted.


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