

DCMI 2023: Call for Participation
November 6-10, Daegu, Korea

DCMI 2023, the twenty-first International Conference on Dublin Core and
Metadata Applications will be held as an in-person conference on November
6-10, in Daegu, South Korea.

The organizers of DCMI 2023 seek inspirational submissions on innovative
ideas, practices, and solutions that are built on theoretical models,
empirical evidence, and ethical and just foundations of metadata.

Submissions in the form of papers (full and short), posters, panels,
tutorials, and student forums are welcome in the following broad categories
of metadata design, deployment, and best practices:

*   Metadata principles, guidelines, and best practices
*   Curation, governance, resilience, and sustainability
*   Metadata quality and validation
*   Metadata analytics
*   Conceptual models and frameworks
*   Entity modeling and management
*   Metadata vocabularies
*   Interoperability and harmonization
*   Metadata automation, AI, and knowledge graphs
*   Lessons learned from research and implementation
*   Metadata and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA)
*   Metadata history and ethics
*   Metadata for operational and research data
*   Metadata in digital humanities, open science, and business
*   Metadata and government
*   Metadata and commerce

The template for submissions will be published on the conference website
shortly. Please check []([](
for updates.

Full papers either describe innovative work in detail or provide critical,
well-referenced overviews of key developments or good practices. 8-10
pages, single-spaced, plus references

Short papers are narrower in scope than full papers and may be either a
description of work in progress, or a project report that concisely
describes a specific model, application, or activity. (4-5 pages,
single-spaced, plus references)

Posters are for the presentation of projects, research under development,
or late-breaking results. (2-page abstract, single-spaced, plus references)

Panel sessions are organized by experts in a specific area of metadata.
Each panel serves as a focused exchange regarding the latest research
and/or best practice in the area. (1-2 page abstract with panelist bios of
100-150 words each)

Tutorials introduce specific topics of current interest in metadata
practice, optionally including hands-on practice. (2-3 page proposal)

The DCMI Student Forum aims at providing an opportunity to master's and
doctoral students to share their experiences and exchange ideas of best
practices, research in progress, and findings in areas related to metadata
innovation. \* Student forum will be in a hybrid format. In-person
participation is encouraged with the option of virtual. (Less than 1500
words plus references)

*   Papers (full and short): May 5th, 2023
*   Posters, Panels, Tutorials, and Student forum: May 26th, 2023

*   Peer-reviewed papers will be assigned DOIs and published online in the
conference proceedings. Papers will be available before the start of the
conference. The papers are indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM, and
*   At least one author of an accepted submission must be physically
present at the conference to present the work in person (\*with the
exception of the student forum).
*   More detailed information and guidelines for submissions will be
available in early March.

Kyong Eun Oh
Program Chair, DCMI 2023