


I'd be very surprised if any anti-malware for a phone or tablet did anything beyond feeding data about the phone/you to the publisher, and I wouldn't recommend installing one.  Heck, I don't recommend installing any third-party anti-malware/protection software on Windows or MacOS either.  Their built-in protections are very nearly as effective as anything else out there and are far less intrusive.  The number one way by many times over other options to protect any computer is to not use it with an administrator account.  Number two is to keep the OS, browsers, mail and Adobe Reader (if you need it) patched and up-to-date.  The third is to be smart, but that is the human element and is why it is the most likely avenue into a machine.  

Unless you jailbreak the phone, you do not have root ("admin") access/permissions, so it would be very difficult for a virus or malware to get a foothold.  Besides a huge portion of the "legitimate" apps (and the OS too!) could be considered malware in the volume of data they collect.  


On Sunday, March 5, 2023 at 18:11, Charles Meyer eloquently inscribed:

> My esteedmed liatmates,
> What apps are others using on their cell phones for anti-virus protection?
> Which apps are others using on their cell phones for other anti-malware
> protection?
> Do you use different apps to protect your tablet?
> Thank you.
> Charles.
> Charles Meyer
> Charlotte County Public Library