

The best way I know to do this is when you are looking at your newsfeed and
you see a post from the offending person. In the desktop web view, you'd
click "..." near the upper right of the post, and choose "Unfollow [Name]":

[image: image.png]

This will stop you from seeing this person's posts in your feeds, but let
you stay Facebook friends with them. Observe that you can also "snooze"
someone for 30 days if completely unfollowing is too far.

I don't know how to do the same thing from the app, but I assume there's a
similar option there somewhere.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 9:06 PM charles meyer <[log in to unmask]>

> My esteemed listmates,
> I need to pare down my Facebook account.
> All that I've read Googling advises how to turn off all notifications in
> various categories.
> Is there any way to turn off notifications for certain people?
> I get this question from lots of patrons.
> Thank you.
> Charles.
> Charles Meyer
> Charlotte County Public Library