Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the first release candidate for JHOVE 1.28 is now available for testing.

This release represents a real effort to clear the historic contribution backlog for JHOVE. The remaining pull requests are either documentation contributions or require more analysis. We received a large number of fixes and improvements from contributors around the world. We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and effort to this release. 

Major new features of version 1.28 include:

  • Finally, all messages have IDs, and we’ve removed the code that allows the creation of new ones without IDs.
  • JHOVE will no longer report duplicate messages,| which should yield shorter reports.
  • A number of improvements to the PDF module, many of which address files that caused loop or overflow errors.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an endless loop for some TIFF files and minor TIFF processing improvements.
  • Improvements to NISO metadata handling.
  • Java 17 compatibility.

Download JHOVE 1.28

Read the release notes

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Feedback welcome

To report an issue or make a feature request please add it to the JHOVE issue tracker on GitHub.

Best wishes,



Helena Watson (she/her), Marketing Officer

Open Preservation Foundation (OPF) 

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