

 Tim, RD B and John,

All great and much appreciated replies!

I'm so curious re: Octolapse and will check that out.

I used my droid cell which has Hypetlapse. I can record at 5x, 10x, 20x and

Then, using VLC I toggled the videos so they run one after the other
automatically for hours.

We're showcasing our makerspace to the community at a big public event so
we schlepped our prints to tables and I wanted to run time lapse video of
the freebies we created and are giving away so they can see a "little
movie" of how the 3D prints were created in time lapse.

It lacks the cool build up of Octolapse but it will do for tomorrow until I
can learn Octolapes.

Interesting to see you can do that in DR which I've learned a little but
the YT videos where the words on screen no matter theater mode or enlarging
the screen doesn't enlarge the content (words ons screen) made it
challenging to learn DR for me.

Once you get rolling with DR ist' special so it's well worth the effort.

This is such a rockin' list!


Charlotte County Public Library