

Since you're using VLC, you can play the videos back at a different 
speed without converting them.

On 6/9/23 8:43 PM, charles meyer wrote:
>   Tim, RD B and John,
> All great and much appreciated replies!
> I'm so curious re: Octolapse and will check that out.
> I used my droid cell which has Hypetlapse. I can record at 5x, 10x, 20x and
> 30x.
> Then, using VLC I toggled the videos so they run one after the other
> automatically for hours.
> We're showcasing our makerspace to the community at a big public event so
> we schlepped our prints to tables and I wanted to run time lapse video of
> the freebies we created and are giving away so they can see a "little
> movie" of how the 3D prints were created in time lapse.
> It lacks the cool build up of Octolapse but it will do for tomorrow until I
> can learn Octolapes.
> Interesting to see you can do that in DR which I've learned a little but
> the YT videos where the words on screen no matter theater mode or enlarging
> the screen doesn't enlarge the content (words ons screen) made it
> challenging to learn DR for me.
> Once you get rolling with DR ist' special so it's well worth the effort.
> This is such a rockin' list!
> Charles.
> Charlotte County Public Library
*Tim McMahon*
West Liberty Public Library