

This week, I made the mistake of arguing with an 8th grader about the Internet. Let me set the scene: After dinner, my middle schooler said she needed to provide an example of a trustworthy online source of history. “This is great,” I thought. “I interact with sources of history EVERY DAY...I got this!” As I excitedly rattled off libraries, archives, and museum websites with impeccable online collections, she stared at me with the incredulous look that only 13-year-olds can give to adults. She then declared that libraries and museums were not what the teacher wanted. It had to be a website dedicated to history. Nothing I said would budge her and any further explanation was met with “You just don't understand." So as you review the jobs below, wish me luck on my new campaign to share the vital work you do with a recalcitrant teen. I will need it! Erin

  *   Manager, Metadata & Discovery Services<>, University of Virginia Library
  *   Data Services Specialist<>, Rice University
  *   Head, Digitization Services<>, Indiana University
  *   Graduate Internship in Digital Preservation<>, J. Paul Getty Trust
  *   Electronic Resources Acquisitions Librarian<>, Columbia University Libraries
  *   Electronic Resources Discovery & Access Librarian<>, Columbia University Libraries
  *   Digital Scholarship Coordinator<>, Illinois State University - Milner Library
  *   Assistant/Associate Librarian - Special Collections Librarian<>, University of Wyoming Libraries
  *   Associate Dean of Technology Strategy & Digital Services<>, Johns Hopkins University
Erin O’Donnell
Outreach and Engagement Associate
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Please note my remote office hours are Monday – Thursday<> | job board<> | sign up for clir news<>


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