

Hi all!
Another update in Code4Lib British Columbia, which will be held in
Vancouver, BC May 16-17 at Vancouver Community College.

We're looking for submissions for lightning talks or breakout sessions (or
both!). If there’s a neat project you've been working on, a cool new tool
you want to show off, or an interesting development in the world of library
technology that you want to discuss, Code4Lib BC is a great opportunity to
share that with the community.

Submit a lightning talk or breakout session idea here:

We have 3 bursaries of up to $750 each this year for those who require
additional funding to attend.

The bursaries will be awarded based on a random draw. While the bursaries
are intended to support out-of-town attendees with travel and
accommodation, funds can also be used on childcare or anything that helps
you attend.

To apply, simply fill out the form. Deadline is April 12th.

Recipients will be chosen by draw and notified on April 17th. Recipients
will receive the monetary amount in the form of a cheque at the event.

As always, watch the wiki for more information and updates: