

It warms my heart to hear that a reader has found a new job through the digest. Receiving these emails is a rare gift, so when this week's happy message arrived, I couldn't have been given a more perfect farewell present for my last two weeks at CLIR. Little did I know that researching job search topics, tips, and tactics for you, would lead to stumbling upon my next career adventure. My last day and digest are next Thursday, but don't hit unsubscribe! The job board and digest aren't going anywhere, and I hope that you will soon share your "I got the job!" message with the next digest steward. See you next Thursday! 🎁 Erin


Erin O’Donnell

Outreach and Engagement Associate

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)

Please note my remote office hours are Monday – Thursday | job board | sign up for clir news

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