



Join our FREE Webinar

Are you worried about meeting the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) M-23-07 compliance deadline? We have ONE solution that can meet all your needs!

The Crowley Company<>, along with our partners Access<>, HAI<> and Preservica<>, invite you to join us for an upcoming webinar, Meeting the NARA M-23-07 Mandate on Tuesday, April 16th from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST.

This event will provide you with valuable insider information and opportunities to:

  *   Learn more about the NARA M-23-07 compliance deadline
  *   Discover the Crowley ONE Solution
  *   Understand common digitization challenges
  *   Discover your collections
  *   Learn more about digitization solutions
  *   Find secure physical storage locations
  *   Understand the importance of digital preservation
  *   Participate in a live expert panel Q&A session

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity. Register NOW!


Grab a seat while they last!

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Can't make it? Sign up anyway!

For those of you who won't be able to make it live, make sure you still sign up.

 You will receive a link to the recording and materials after the event. Don't miss out!


The Crowley Company, 5111 Pegasus Court, Suite M, Frederick, MD 21704, United States

You may unsubscribe<> or change your contact details<> at any time.


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