

Hello all,


Please join us for our next quarterly NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group call!


When – Monday, March 18th (please note the earlier start time)



Our focus for this meeting will be:

The AEOLIAN (Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Organisations) Network


We welcome Dr. Lise Jaillant of Loughborough University and Glen Layne-Worthey of the University of Illinois who will lead a discussion on the AEOLIAN Network, which was “designed to investigate the role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play to make born-digital and digitised cultural records more accessible to users.” Outcomes of the project include workshops, case studies and a wide range of publications.


Call information:


We hope to see you there!


All best,

Eric Lopatin and Robin Ruggaber

NDSA Infrastructure Interest Group co-chairs


Eric Lopatin | Product Manager, Digital Preservation

California Digital Library | University of California Curation Center (UC3)


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