
Reminder that our ongoing DLFTeach chat this month is a showcase of your teaching, your students, and your colleagues with our topic: "Digital Pedagogy Showcase." And as a bonus, share something that's in progress (if you like!) for feedback or for like minded folx to take a gander at. 

Join our conversation via Slack. If you're not already a part of the channel, you can join with this link: https://join.slack.com/t/dlfteach/shared_invite/zt-23s81r76e-hmr12WHLEvPwmk3ebgFfZA.

All my best,
Hillary Richardson
DLFTeach Outreach Coordinator

Hillary A. H. Richardson, M.A., M.L.I.S.
Associate Professor
Coordinator of Undergraduate Research & Information Literacy
Fant Memorial Library | Mississippi University for Women
1100 College Street, MUW-1625
Columbus, MS 39701
662-329-7334 | hillaryahrichardson.com
Schedule a research appointment with me!

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