>Such a program, mailinglist2rss.pl, would allow people to monitor a mailing
>list without having to subscribe, nor would they have to actively visit the
>mailing list archives for updates.
In most cases, there'd be a lot of overlap. There's already one
for mailman (http://taint.org/mmrss/), and a number of other
major services provide lists (yahoo.com does, mail-archive.org
does [and allows you to add a list]) and so forth. What would
be more helpful, code-wise, would be something that DID NOT
HAVE to live on the SERVER. If a script could be dummied
up in a procmail recipe (or whatever, you know), then
ANY subscriber would be able to provide an RSS feed,
and not necessarily have to wait for an already overworked
(or unappreciative) admin to implement a plugin.
Morbus Iff ( i put the demon back in codemonkey )
Culture: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.gamegrene.com/
Spidering Hacks: http://amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596005776/disobeycom
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / jabber.org: morbus