Hi folks,
Last week I wrote asking for a good PHP routine for sorting LC call
numbers. Several people pointed me towards Michael Doran's sortLC.pl
script, which I have now ported to PHP and added to a bit.
Anyone want to help me kick the tires? Here's the script:
and here's the sample output:
This differs from Michael's script in that it is not a command-line
function; rather it fits into PHP scripts in a form like:
$sorted = usort ($array, "SortLC"); //or
$sorted = uksort ($array, "SortLC"); // for associative arrays
I've only tested it on my own data; I have not tried plugging it in to
anyone else's universes. If you'd like to give it a whirl, I would love
any feedback on it. Please let me know what you think!
There will be a code4lib.org page for this eventually, but not just yet.
Thanks to Michael and everyone else who offered suggestions last week.
Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University