I will install your gem and have a look at it. I started in september to
'port' MARC4J to Ruby. You can browse the code in RubyForge CVS, but I
haven't published anything yet. It is not yet packaged into modules and
there is no documentation.
Ed Summers wrote:
>On 12/2/05, Bas Peters <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>but I was just wondering how difficult it would
>>be to create a MARC parser in Ruby. Is there any interest in such a
>>library for Ruby?
>I actually created a MARC parser in Ruby [1] a month or so ago which
>is available on RubyForge [2]. I'm definitely open to ways of
>improving it, or developers who want to help develop it.
>Since it's available on rubyforge, if you have gem installed you can.
> gem install marc
>Once installed you can do stuff like:
> require 'marc'
> reader = MARC::Reader.new('batch.dat')
> for record in reader
> puts record['245']
> end
>The rdoc [3] is also available which hopefully shows common usage. One
>thing that I haven't implemented yet is MARC-8 -> UTF-8 conversion for
>going to XML...but that's in the works. I really like your marc4j
>package by the way.
>[1] http://www.textualize.com/ruby_marc
>[2] http://rubyforge.org/projects/marc/
>[3] http://www.textualize.com/rdoc/ruby-marc/