On Fri, 23 Mar 2007, Eric Hellman wrote:
> I posted some comments in Web4Lib on this- but on code4lib, I'd like
> to be a bit more provocative and get y'all bothered.
> * What online resources would you collect?
Information of interest to the community we serve.
> * How would you connect people to these new collections?
Federated search
> * How will you control and manage these services?
Registry of metadata describing the holdings of each member of the
> * How will you provide your users with the most correct information possible?
Send each request to the authoritative source, rather than attempt
to mirror / cache data.
Provide a mechanism for the community to complain and/or annotate
the information.
** I don't work in bibliographical records, but in scientific data.
Therefore, we can easily track each archive by which instrument's data
they contain, and general observing parameters of the instruments.
> >We are looking for the first 50 participants who are willing to
> >visualize a library not focused solely on print resource management and
> >willing to go out on a limb and conceptualize the library which is
> >focused on user access and management of online resources & services.
Um ... I don't focus on print resources, as I don't have any. However, I
don't know if I count as a 'library', either.
Joe Hourcle