I have made "sum" Ockham source code available.
Ockham is/was a joint project of Oregon State University, University
of Notre Dame, Emory University, and Virginia Tech. Its goal is at
least two-fold: 1) to create a reference model for digital library
services, and 2) to integrate NDSL content into traditional library
settings. To these ends we jointly created a number of digital
library services.
Here at Notre Dame we created three services:
1) MyLibrary@Ockham - an index of OAI accessible content from NDSL
whose interface is enhanced with things like Find More Like This and
Did You Mean? services all accessible through a Search/Retrieve via
URL interface
2) Ockham Alert - a current awareness service against OAI-
accessible content using RSS as the primary distribution method,
again accessible through SRU
3) Spell - given a string as input, this rudimentary Web Service
returns a list of alternative spellings for the input
I finally got around to packaging up our software, some of it written
by the good people on this list, and have made it available:
* MyLibrary@Ockham
o source: http://code.google.com/p/ockham-mylibrary/
o example: http://mylibrary.ockham.org/
* Ockham Alert
o source: http://code.google.com/p/ockham-alert/
o example: http://alert.ockham.org/
* Spell
o source: http://code.google.com/p/ockham-spell/
o example: http://spell.ockham.org/
Eric Lease Morgan
Head, Digital Access and Information Architecture Department
University Libraries of Notre Dame
(574) 631-8604