I'm coming late to this discussion because I was out all last week, but this is something I could approach the folks at the Texas Digital Library about. They've set up an Open Journals system and are currently hosting JoDI. See http://journals.tdl.org/
Danielle Cunniff Plumer, Coordinator
Texas Heritage Digitization Initiative
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
512.463.5852 (phone) / 512.936.2306 (fax)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of
Paul Miller
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:25 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib journal idea revival?
Rather than create something new, is it worth looking at ways to align this
need with existing infrastructure at Ariadne, D-Lib, etc?
Maybe even get some of those evil vendors to underwrite some of the costs,
in the name of nurturing market innovation, etc?
Or is the need actually already filled/fillable by sites like code4lib.org,
tdn.talis.com, etc, and all of our individual blogs?
On 11/4/07 15:01, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
> I think it was this past summer that there was some energy on starting a
> 'Code4Lib journal', that seems to have died out.
> I think such a journal could play a really important role, currently
> lacking, in the library community. Currently there are a bunch of people
> working on similar projects who don't communicate enough, re-inventing
> wheels. Plus more people who would LIKE to be working on similar
> products, but don't know how to get started. Plus I could see such a
> journal playing a role in techies communicating with the larger library
> community about challenges they are running into that effect larger
> library workflow.
> Anyway, I'd be interested in working on this to get this off the ground.
> Is anyone else? Especially someone(s) with a bit more Code4Lib
> "cred"/history than me?
> Thinking about it, I think it can probably be done in a pretty
> light-weight easy to get started manner. I assume people were thinking
> of an electronic only journal. So pretty much all we would need is:
> 1) An editorial committee or whatever. [Maybe some people imagined some
> more 'revolutionary' egalitarian type of community process, but I figure
> keep it simple, and an editorial committee seems simple, and also
> provides some people who have explicitly taken responsibility for
> getting things done.]
> 2) A place to host it. [maybe some kind of "institutional repository"
> software would be cool, but in a pinch seems to me a WordPress
> installation would do. Keep things simple and do-able and good enough is
> my motto. I'm sure one of our institutions would donate server
> space/cycles for a WordPress installation for such a journal. ]
> 3) Maybe a wiki would be nice for editorial commitee discussions.
> 4) Maybe a simple one page description of the mission of the journal and
> what the journal is looking for in articles. The editorial committee can
> work on that on the hypothetical wiki.
> 5) Some articles. The editorial committee can solicit some for the first
> 'issue'.
> Step 6: Profit! I mean, some e-published articles. No profit, sorry.
> That seems pretty do-able to me. I think it would serve a really good
> role. I'm not concerned so much with 'scholarly credibility' as I am
> with creating a valuable tool for people getting stuff done. I think
> thinking like that can keep it simple too.
> Oh, as long as we're at it, 6) Get an ISSN for the thing, since most
> link resolvers will never be able to track it otherwise. (Sigh).
> So anyone interested? Is this a good idea? Do-able? Should we do it?
> Want to help? I do.
> Jonathan
Dr Paul Miller
Senior Manager & Technology Evangelist, Talis
w: www.talis.com/ m: +44 (7769) 740083
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skype: napm1971
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