On 19 April 2007, Ed Summers wrote:
> A while back Chris Biemesderfer added a section on
> using Z39.50 to the MARC::Record tutorial:
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/MARC-Record/lib/MARC/Doc/Tutorial.pod#Z39.50
Thanks for pointing that out. I read that tutorial a few months ago but
completely forgot about it, and since I'm doing this thing in Ruby now, I
didn't go back to it. It's very good documentation.
> [1] http://opus.tu-bs.de/zack/statistic/targetmaps/
I hadn't seen that. Interesting. Yesterday I couldn't get to IndexData's
site, for some reason, but today I see the big list of Z39.50 servers:
The ones I use I'd found on this shorter list:
IndexData's has a lot more and I'll run through some more public and
national libraries. I can get by with a fixed list of servers for now,
but grabbing a live list or doing some geographically-informed guessing
would be fun.
A question for the Talis people on the list: you don't make information
from Talis Source, your union catalogue, openly available, as I read it.
Am I correct in understanding that only libraries that contribute to it
can read from it? If so, do you have any plans to open it up?
William Denton, Toronto : www.miskatonic.org www.frbr.org www.openfrbr.org