Hello to list members of Code4Lib!
I am a teacher-librarian at a school for blind/visually impaired
students in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Out of necessity, I created a
school library management system for my school's library, using
Microsoft Access. Currently, I am working on developing a version of
the application that uses Z39.50 and Amazon Web Services to download
cataloguing information into library records.
I have posted my freeware library application and various demo files
Screenshots of the Z39.50/Web Services demo are available if you don't
care to download the demos:
I look forward to participating in this list. And here's a question:
I want to use sru/srw - does anyone know of a list of active SRU/SRW
servers? I am aware of the Library of Congress...
Fred Boer
P.S. Special thanks to Eric for his recent help!
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