Okay, I should be able to solve this on my own but I can't. I've had
to move to a new web server and can't get an old script to work. All it
does is convert a fund activity report to a web page. It worked fine on
the old server. I updated the directory paths and checked permissions.
All are fine. What's more I don't get an error. It just works and
returns nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
###### usage: cat inputfile | abiglobal.pl
while ($_ = <STDIN>) {
$fundcode=~ s/ //g;
$input=~ tr/\"//;
$input=~ tr/\'//;
# $input=~ tr/,/\t/;
$input=~s/REPORT,/REPORT /g;
$input=~s/ / /g;
@in=split(/ /,$input);
# @fund=$in[0];
open (OUT,">>body.txt") || die "I am not able to write to file";
open (HEAD,">>head.txt") || die "not able to open temp header";
print HEAD "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Fund Activity
Report</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><TABLE border=1><tr><td><strong>Fund Activity
Reports: $in[3]</strong></td></tr><TR><td valign='top'><a
href='#$fundcode'>$fundcode</a> \n";
print HEAD "<a href='#$fundcode'>$fundcode</a> \n";
print OUT "<strong><a name='$fundcode'>Fund: <u>$in[0]</u>
</a>FundInfo: <u>$in[1] $in[2]</u></strong><br>\n";
else {
print OUT "<pre>$_</pre>\n";
} #### end while stdin
print HEAD "</td></tr></table><br><br>\n"; print OUT "</body></html>\n";
close OUT; close HEAD;
#$outfile=~tr/ /_/;
print "$outfile\n";
system "cat head.txt body.txt > /data/www/htdocs/fundlist/$final";
system "rm head.txt";
system "rm body.txt";
opendir(DIR, "/public_html");
open (OUT,"> /data/www/htdocs/fundlist/index.html") || die "I am
not able to write to file"; print OUT ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Fund List
print OUT ("<h4>Directory Listing</h4>\n");
while($file = readdir(DIR) ) {
print OUT ("<A HREF=\"$file\">$file<br>\n");
print OUT ("</body></html>\n");
close (OUT);
Edward Iglesias
Systems Librarian
Central Connecticut State University