On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:05 PM, md <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I did not find the Marc record reader or parser you created...was it
> MARC : : Forgiving Reader? to read the records, then import them
> into the MYSQL database.
Yes, the MARC processing library is ruby-marc [1], which needs to be installed:
gem install marc
> I did not find the MYSQL database/databases? you designed.
The schema is defined in:
and can be invoked by doing a:
rake db:schema:load
This is all pretty standard Rails stuff, for anyone who likes that web
As for Karen's question about the Internet Archive: it totally makes
sense to host the data up there. But, I had to sign a scary license
agreement from the UIUC Archives, which *almost* stopped me from even
releasing http://catalog.sanfordberman.org ... Madeline can say for
sure, but I'm fairly certain this license prevents putting the data up
for the public. The ultimate disservice to Sanford Berman IMHO.
/me sighs