**Online registration is still available - don't miss out on the LITA
National Forum!** October 16 - 19, 2008 at the Hilton Netherland Plaza
Hotel, Cincinnati, OH
Keynote sessions will feature Tim Spalding, founder and developer of
LibraryThing.com, Michael Porter of WebJunction (be sure to check out
http://libraryman.com/blog/ for details on his presentation), and R.
David Lankes of the Information Institute of Syracuse University.
In addition to keynote sessions, there are over 30 concurrent sessions,
poster sessions, and networking opportunities planned where you're sure
to find practical advice, new ideas, and tested solutions to
technological issues you encounter every day.
**New this Year** Open Gaming Night on Saturday at the Forum!
LITA's Opening Gaming Night is your chance to experience the thrills,
chills, and occasional spills that are part of gaming @ the library. If
video games intrigue you, try your hand at tennis, learn to sing and
dance like a rock star, or drive a high octane race car. Board games are
your chance to show off your strategy skills, demonstrate your
dexterity, and finally to outwit your colleagues.
Visit http://www.lita.org/forum2008 for more information on sessions,
preconferences, and hotel accommodations.
Hope to see you in Cincinnati!
Rachel E. Vacek
Web Services Coordinator
University of Houston Libraries
114 University Libraries
Houston, TX 77204-2000
713-743-9811 (fax)
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