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CODE4LIB  November 2008

CODE4LIB November 2008


Re: Open Library Environment (OLE) Project - Regional Design Workshops


Anna Headley <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Fri, 14 Nov 2008 08:50:46 -0500





text/plain (89 lines)

Chin up, Jonathan. I am hoping to attend one of these precisely because
I want to talk about how I /wish /my workflow looked, and dream about
tools that would make my life easier - "ideas on what this type of core
system *should* incorporate." I can't be the only one.

Anna H.

Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
> I have to admit that I worry that too many of our libraries business processes as currently practiced are completely irrational and nonsensical, and that to model new requirements or systems off of them all aggregated and averaged out... may not be optimal.
> Certainly, you have to collect evidence about business process needs somehow.
> But how many of us have experienced library workflow that actually makes sense, instead of being habits built over years of having to do weird workarounds to work with systems that unreasonably constrained us, built on top of each other layer upon layer, combined in organizations siloed off so the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing, sprinkle on top the natural inclination of most people to be creatures of habit who don't like changing their workflow unless forced---with the result that I'm not even sure we know what makes sense anymore.
> Jonathan
>>>> Tim McGeary <[log in to unmask]> 11/13/08 3:43 PM >>>
> John Fereira wrote:
>> Tim McGeary wrote:
>>> The Open Library Environment (OLE, pronounced oh-lay) Project invites
>>> you to apply to participate in a two day Regional Design Workshop. The
>>> purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for representatives of
>>> local research libraries and related institutions to discuss our work
>>> surrounding the current Integrated Library System and ideas on what
>>> this type of core system should incorporate. Workshops are being held
>>> in a variety of locations in the US over the next 2 months. For more
>>> information and to find a location near you, go to:
>> That's quite a collection of workshops schedule. I've been interested
>> in the project since John Little first mentioned it here. On behalf of
>> the Spring 2008 JA-SIG conference committee I invited him (and he
>> accepted) to do a birds of a feather session at the conference. There
>> are some things that I am working on that I think may fit well with the
>> project (I was also a developer for a piece of Kuali Rice, so I know
>> some of the Indiana folks) but I can't really tell from the number of
>> workshops how the will inter-relate. Since there were a few dates where
>> there are simultaneous workshops in different cities it would seem to me
>> that some sort of video conference and a real time collaborative system
>> (we used Macromedia Breeze for the Kuali project with developers at
>> Cornell and Indiana) would be useful.
>> With the current economy I know that travel budgets are undergoing a lot
>> of scrutiny (I've even heard of a very large university system out west
>> that may be halting all business travel for awhile) attending even one
>> of the workshops may be problematic.
> John,
> I hear you about the travel elements of this. That is why this process
> will not just be closed off to these workshops. We are hoping to have
> enough workshops to gather a wide range of business processes that we
> can sift through to find commonalities to model the core business
> practices. On top of that, we will model the differences so that
> flexibility can be built into the OLE architecture.
> There will be plenty of time and opportunities for public comment on the
> data gathered at the workshops and the models as they are completed
> before the architecture stage is complete. So if you, or anyone, cannot
> attend a workshop, there will still be opportunity for comment, and we
> want and need it!
> Thank you for your interest - and please encourage others who show
> interest to participate in any way that they can.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> --
> Tim McGeary
> Senior Systems Specialist
> Lehigh University
> 610-758-4998
> [log in to unmask]
> Google Talk: timmcgeary
> Yahoo IM: timmcgeary

Anna Headley
Swarthmore College Library
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