Ed Summers wrote:
> Until Kevin Clarke happened to mention it in #code4lib I didn't know
> that the list of proposals so far is available at:
> http://library.brown.edu/code4libcon09/proposals/list/
Thanks for posting this. I remember seeing the list from when I
submitted my proposal but didn't save the link.
As a member of the planning committee for another conference that is
taking place the week after Code4Lib I would recommend *not*
procrastinating in getting a proposal submitted.
I've been on the planning committee for the past 5 JA-SIG conferences
and in every case most wait until the last minute to submit their
proposals and it causes a lot of grief among the planners as they wonder
if they're going to get enough content to present the conference. It
always works out in the end but it *still* causes a lot of grief for the
conference planners. What *has* helped us a lot is that several people
have contacted us with an "intent to submit a proposal" as they wait for
confirmation from their management that they might be able to attend.
In the current economy there are a lot of higher ed institutions that
are undergoing a lot of scrutiny on their travel budgets so I understand
that many be reluctant to submit a proposal early. In my case, I
submitted a proposal early because I won't be allowed to travel to a
conference unless I *am* presenting. It's very likely that I won't be
able to attend the JA-SIG conference even though I'm on the planning