Andrew Nagy wrote:
> Summon is really more than an NGC as we are selling it as a service - a
> unified discovery service. This means that it is a single repository of the
> library's content ( subscription content, catalog records, IR data, etc.).
> Federated search is not apart of Summon
Well, if we understand "federated" to mean "bringing stuff together by
searching all of it at once," then it is, as opposed to "broadcast
searching," a term you used later in this sentence. As in, "Origin:
1665–75; < L foederātus leagued together, allied, equiv. to foeder-
(nom. s. foedus) league" from
It is, though, a great *breakthrough* in the area of federated search,
which is why we ordered an onsite demo immediately on hearing about this
But I don't think I was clear with my question in any case; it occurs to
me now that my true question wasn't code-related, but seeing Summon on
the conf agenda prompted me to bring it up here. Namely: has anyone
investigated whether the arrangements SerSol has with content vendors
are easily duplicable by institutions for home-baked/potential OSS products
Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
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