Please excuse cross postings.
Registration is now open and the website is live for EdUI 2009: Remaining
Reserve your spot for this exciting event and register today to get the
early bird registration rate of $500, $75 off the standard rate.
Registration is easy. Go to and pay online.
And don't forget to submit your presentation proposal for EdUI! The deadline
is July 1, 2009. Submit online at:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Find out more about the conference at:
===== ABOUT =====
EdUI 2009 - Remaining <strong>
Economic times might be lean, but professional growth has never been more
important. Take your Web skills to the next level with EdUI 2009: Remaining
<strong> at the University of Virginia, September 21-22. Situated in the
Blue Ridge foothills of Central Virginia, UVaıs historic Grounds provide a
beautiful setting for the two-day conference.
Focusing on the universal methods and tools of user interface and
interaction design as well as the unique challenges of producing websites
and applications for large institutions, EdUI is a perfect opportunity for
web professionals in higher education, K-12 schools, government, and local
and regional businesses to develop skills and share ideas.
EdUI is made possible by The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities (VFH),
in partnership with the University of Virginia (U.Va.) and an array of
corporate sponsors.
We are delighted that our speaker lineup so far includes Jared Spool,
founder of User Interface Engineering, as keynote speaker, with Michael
Wesch, Dana Chisnell, Derek Featherstone, Molly Holzschlag and Dan Rubin as
headliners. Jared (UX design), Dana (usability testing), Derek (Ajax and
accessibility), Molly (HTML5, CSS3), and Dan (graphics and CSS) are some of
todayıs top authors and speakers in web design and development. Michael
Wesch, featured in the most recent issue of National Geographic magazine, is
widely known for his popular Youtube videos on the social and cultural
impact of new media.
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===== CONTACT US =====
(434) 981-7529
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