Bill's format would allow there to be a control field and a data field
with the same tag, however, so it's all good either way.
Ere Maijala wrote:
> On 03/15/2010 06:22 PM, Houghton,Andrew wrote:
>> Secondly, Bill's specification looses semantics from ISO 2709, as I
>> previously pointed out. His specification clumps control and data
>> fields into one property named fields. According to ISO 2709, control
>> and data fields have different semantics. You could have a control
>> field tagged as 001 and a data field tagged as 001 which have
>> different semantics. MARC-21 has imposed certain rules for
> I won't comment on Bill's proposal, but I'll just say that I don't think
> you can have a control field and a data field with the same code in a
> single MARC format. Well, technically it's possible, but in practice
> everything I've seen relies on rules of the MARC format at hand. You
> could actually say that ISO 2709 works more like Bill's JSON, and
> MARCXML is the different one, as in ISO 2709 the directory doesn't
> separate control and data fields.
> --Ere