5) FRBR's strength is defining the relationships between things, Dublin Core's strength is how to describe the things.
Douglas Campbell
National Library of New Zealand
>>> stuart yeates <[log in to unmask]> 15/04/10 10:11 >>>
Karen Coyle wrote:
> Quoting John Moss <[log in to unmask]>:
>> I trying to wrap my head around the differences between Dublin Core
>> and FRBR. Is one based upon the other? If so, which came first?
> 1) totally unrelated, apples and grommets
> 2) DC started up first; FRBR was issued in 1998, but didn't get much
> attention for the first 10 years of its life. DC was getting
> increasing use during that time.
3) DC takes a 'start simple' approach whereas FRBR attempts to encompass
every bibliographic need
4) DC can be readily applied to almost any media/data; FRBR really only
fits human-generated things that have been 'published' in some sense.
Stuart Yeates
http://www.nzetc.org/ New Zealand Electronic Text Centre
http://researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz/ Institutional Repository