Karen's right, EPUB content is basically XHTML/CSS/graphics, so converting
from web->EPUB shouldn't be that difficult.
The hardest part would be properly constructing the required
manifest/metadata XML files. After you do all that, creating an EPUB archive
is basically a matter of packaging all the files into a ZIP archive and changing
the file extension.
If you already have the HTML/CSS/images, a tool like Calibre (http://calibre-
ebook.com/) should do a basic conversion. If you wanted to do a bit more
customization, something like Sigil (http://code.google.com/p/sigil/) could
also help simplify the task of gathering/organizing content, automatically
creating required metadata/manifests, etc... I'm sure there are many other
tools out there, those are just the two I've been playing with recently while
preparing for an upcoming presentation on EPUB.
I, for one, would welcome an EPUB version of the Code4Lib journal; I read
Pragmatic Bookshelf (http://www.pragprog.com/magazines) and Hacker
Monthly (http://hackermonthly.com/) every month in EPUB format (on an
iPad), and really find the experience much more enjoyable/engaging than
reading the same content in a browser on my desktop/laptop.
Time permitting, I might be persuaded to put together a sample EPUB issue of
the journal, if there was any interest...
-Greg Williams
West Linn Public Library
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On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 07:41:34 -0800, Karen Coyle <[log in to unmask]>
>Epub is essentially HTML at its root, which should make this easier. I
>think that the Internet Archive may have done this -- they are
>exporting books in ePub format. I'll forward this question to some
>folks there (rather than putting their emails in a public list).