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CODE4LIB  April 2011

CODE4LIB April 2011


Re: linking catalog records to IMDB


Jonathan Rochkind <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:27:03 -0400





text/plain (83 lines)

Any idea how those got there, Roy? Manually added by Catalogers? (To 
what MARC field, just an 856?).  Added by OCLC processing somehow?

On 4/27/2011 12:14 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:
> For what it's worth, I see over 7,000 links to IMDB from WorldCat records.
> Roy
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 9:01 AM, marijane white
> <[log in to unmask]>  wrote:
>> To confirm some of what Jonathan said...
>> As the maintainer of a collection nearing 20,000 DVDs, I can confirm that
>> DVDs rarely have ISBNs.  When they do, it's usually educational,
>> instructional, or musical content.  I don't think I've seen a feature film
>> DVD with an ISBN.
>> IMDB does have UPC data for some DVDs.  IIRC, searching for a UPC on IMDB
>> takes you to a page listing the DVDs for a particular movie, rather than the
>> main title page.
>> The only DVDs I've seen that did not have a UPC were pre-release screeners,
>> which I would be surprised to find in most library collections.
>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Jonathan Rochkind<[log in to unmask]>  wrote:
>>> But you're just going to have to title search on freebase, right? (Same
>>> functionality may be avail on IMBD directly without going through freebase,
>>> but more importantly...)
>>> There are frequently movies sharing the same title with an entirely
>>> different movie. Maybe title/year search instead?
>>> But movies wind up with several 'publication dates' (date of release in
>>> theaters, date of release for a DVD or videotape, different dates of release
>>> for different manifestations. Who knows what date you've got in your
>>> 'source' record you're trying to link to, and if that's going to match the
>>> date(s) in the freebase record.
>>> I'm not sure of a great way to do this. Metadata matching is a bitch.
>>> A FEW of our library bibliographic records actually have a UPC/EAN in them
>>> for videos. (ISBN is actually a subset of UPC/EAN, at least since ISBN-13.
>>> But I think DVDs and videocassettes sold aren't going to have an ISBN
>>> usually, but usually will have a UPC/EAN).
>>> If you've got one of those, you might be able to search on that in
>>> freebase? (even if you can't in IMBD directly? here's where freebase might
>>> rule).  Relies on freebase having that UPC/EAN in it's database, for the
>>> particular manifestation you've got a record for.   Not sure the prospects
>>> of that. And few (but some) of our records have UPC/EAN anyway.
>>> In general here though, this is another reminder that in the present
>>> environment, unambiguous identifiers RULE.  Like ISBN, UPC/EAN, etc.  One of
>>> the most valuable things catalogers can add to records. I really wish it
>>> would become common practice to add a UPC/EAN to all dvd/video records where
>>> the item-in-hand has one on it. Even if that means sacrificing some other
>>> things, I know cataloger time is a precious resource. But UPC/EAN should be
>>> considered very very high value, it could enable all sorts of value-added
>>> services and linking to external databases.
>>> Jonathan
>>> On 4/27/2011 11:09 AM, Sean Hannan wrote:
>>>> If I were doing this, I'd use the Freebase ( API and write a
>>>> little app that returns the IMDB title stem (ex: tt0460791) for each of
>>>> the
>>>> films you're trying to match up.
>>>> -Sean
>>>> On 4/27/11 10:56 AM, "R. Levi"<[log in to unmask]>    wrote:
>>>>   I would like to add a link to IMDB for the feature  films that we have in
>>>>> our
>>>>> catalog.  IMDB doesn't appear to have  ISBNs.  Is there a way to link the
>>>>> MARC
>>>>> record with the IMDB record  without manually searching IMDB to find each
>>>>> movie?  Thanks, Rich

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