Any transformation of a controlled vocabulary, either in format (MARC to
RDF) or in coverage (e.g. vom LCSH to DDC, MeSH, GND, etc.) has to
decide whether
(a) there is a one-to-one (or one-to-zero) mapping between all concepts
(b) you need n-to-m or even more complex mappings
Mapping name authority files in VIAF was one of (a) because we more or
less agree on hat a person is always the same person. But
It looks like mapping authority data in MARC from different institutions
is an instance of (b). Not only are concepts like "England" more fuzzy
than people, but they are also used in different context for different
purpose, depending on the cataloging rules and their specific
interpretation. It does not help to argue about MARC field because there
just is no easy one-to-one mapping between for instance:
- The Kingdom of England (927–1707)
- The area of the Kingdom of England (927–1707)
- The country England as today
- The area of England including the Principality of Sealand
- The area of England excluding the Principality of Sealand
- The whole Island Great Britain
- The Island Great Britain including Ireland
- The Island Great Britain including Northern Ireland
- The Kingdom of Great Britain (1707 to 1801)
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1801 to 1922)
- etc.
I gave a talk about the fruitless attempt to put reality in terms of
Semantic Web at Wikimania 2007 (stating with slide 12):
Instead of discussing how to map terms and concepts "the right way" you
should think about how to express fuzzy and complex mappings. The SKOS
mapping vocabulary provides some relations for this purpose. I can also
recommend the DC2010 paper "Establishing a Multi-Thesauri-Scenario based
on SKOS and Cross-Concordances" by Mayr, Zapilko, and Sure:
If you do not want to bother with complex mappings but prefer
one-to-one, you should not talk about differences like England as
corporate body or as England as place or England as nationality etc.
Sure you can put all these meanings into a broad and fuzzy term
"England" but than stop complaining about semantic differences and use
the term as unqualified subject heading with no specific meaning for
anything that is related to any of the many ideas that anyone can call
"England". This is the way that full text retrieval works.
You just can't have both simple mappings and precise terms.
Jakob Voß <[log in to unmask]>, skype: nichtich
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
+49 (0)551 39-10242, http://www.gbv.de