Apologies to those who may also be on the EAD list who would have already
received this email. EADitor is one of several active XForms projects
detailed in "XForms for Libraries: An Introduction", an article in the 11th
issue of the code4lib journal (http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/3916)
I'm pleased to announce a new, much overdue,
EADitor<http://code.google.com/p/eaditor/>beta, .1105.
EADitor is an XForms framework for the creation and editing of Encoded
Archival Description <http://www.loc.gov/ead/> (EAD) finding aids using
Orbeon <http://www.orbeon.com/>, an enterprise-level XForms Java
application, which runs in Apache Tomcat. Although the web form is
certainly the most important aspect of the application since it can be
integrated with existing content management and dissemination systems,
EADitor also includes an easily customizable public interface for searching,
sorting, and browsing collections of finding aids. This enables institutions
to use a single application for content creation and publication.
* Create and edit EAD finding aids adhering to the EAD 2002 schema (elements
are represented at almost every level in the finding aid, with the notable
exception of mixed content at the paragraph level).
* Import EAD 2002 schema or DTD-compliant finding aids into EADitor
* An administrative user interface for publishing/unpublishing finding aids
* Simple component reordering interface
* Controlled vocabulary integration with auto-suggest, including LCSH terms
and local vocabularies in subject, persname, famname, corpname, geogname,
and genreform. Languages refer to controlled vocabulary also.
* Set default templates for the EAD core and components
* A form for setting agency codes
* Public interface for searching, browsing, and viewing finding aids (based
on Solr).
* Atom feed for published finding aids
EADitor is still a work in progress, but will advance more consistently now
that it is officially supported by the American Numismatic Society.
Ultimately, I would like to integrate other controlled vocabulary services.
One of the most important issues to address moving forward is better
EADitor project site (Google Code): http://code.google.com/p/eaditor/
Installation instructions (specific for Ubuntu but broadly applies to all
Unix-based systems):
Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/eaditor
EADitor blog (will be the primary medium for providing information and
progress on the project): http://eaditor.blogspot.com/