I am currently learning how to do EAD coding through the Northwest Digital Archives. I'd attend a session on EAD and/or DACS.
Doris Munson
Systems/Reference Librarian
Eastern Washington University
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-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Becky Yoose
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 11:14 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Cataloging4Coders @ C4L12 - We need your brains
Hey folks,
There's been increasing discussion and interest about cataloging around
this community (and others like it) for quite a while. I found some
co-conspirators and we are planning to propose a pre-conference on
cataloging/library metadata creation geared towards the huddled code4lib
masses (otherwise known as coders) who are yearning for knowledge of this
Darkest of Library Arts.
We need you help before we post our proposal. We realize that there's a
wide range of cataloging knowledge and experience in the community, and we
want to make sure that those interested get the most out of the
pre-conference. If this pre-conference has perked your interest, can you
help us in letting us know:
- What experience do you have with cataloging/library metadata creation?
- What do you want us to cover? Do you have any questions that you want
This information will help us greatly in how we structure the
pre-conference both in content and schedule. For now, we're planning a
half-day pre-conference, but if there's enough interest between beginners
and more experienced folks, we will consider offering two half-day
preconferences in order to focus on specific participant needs.
Feel free to ask questions as well - I'll try to answer them as best as
possible given what our group has brainstormed so far.
Thanks for reading,
Official cat[aloger] herder
Becky Yoose
Systems Librarian
Grinnell College Libraries
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