Anyone else implemented HTML5 Microdata [1] and/or Schema.org [2]?
I'm looking for examples of libraries, museums, archives, and
educational organizations that have implemented HTML5 Microdata and/or
Schema.org in any way. Even if you have just used it in a very limited
way on a site, I'd be interested in seeing it.
I have a short list right now that I've gleaned from various email
lists, and I have looked around Sindice and blekko's "grep the web"
[3] and found a few more. Anyone know of a way (other than doing my
own map-reduce job on the common crawl data [4]) to search for
embedded markup like this?
I'd like to see if there are more examples I could draw on for my
code4lib conference talk.
Thank you,
[1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.html
[2] http://schema.org/
[3] You can vote for a couple of my suggested greps here:
and http://blekko.com/webgrep?page=view&id=575a6690c56e46a87339b85b797620ce
[4] http://www.commoncrawl.org/data/accessing-the-data/