I just wanted to, again, say thanks, in no particular order, to
- The organizers
- The presenters
- The volunteers
- The streamers
- The people who voted on presentations (even though mine didn't make
it, next time I'll make sure my entry starts with an 'A' and not a 'W')
- The people who asked questions
- The people who offered help
- The people who kept discussions going
- The people posted links fast as lightning in the irc channel
- The people that help run the irc channel
- The people that brought beer
- The people that drank beer
- The people that shared their awesome outlet extenders
- Everybody I had a meal or drink with
- Everybody that came down to 1013 Drink-Up Overflow room
- Everybody that signed the '1013 Drink-Up Overflow Room Field Notes
- Everybody that helped keep 1013 from getting shut down
- Everybody that grabbed the right lunch box
- Everybody that configured their Out of Office message to not reply to
the list
- Everybody that contributed to the wiki to help coordinate just about
everything we did
- Everybody that had their twitter/irc handle on their name tag because
I'm horrible at remembering names. Sorry about that.
- Anybody who is already thinking about how to make Chicago happen