On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Kyle Banerjee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> There's no philosophical problem with CloudFront, but there might be
> practical ones. While I should theoretically be able to use s3fs to allow
> the software to seamlessly interact with S3, the software also assumes
> you're using it to stream media files rather than an external service.
> Maybe this change will be easy to implement, maybe it won't -- I won't
> know until I try. If it isn't, I need to come up with a Plan B.
The variability in traffic and the support for streaming in CloudFront
does make this look like a good use of AWS. Just out of curiosity what
is the user and staff client software that you are talking about? If
you store your content in S3, and clients stream it directly from
there (through CloudFront) you may not even need to autoscale your
app. But I guess I'm still not clear on what the app is. Is it some
kind of catalog of audio files. Is it distinct from the client/staff
software you mentioned?