> The variability in traffic and the support for streaming in CloudFront
> does make this look like a good use of AWS. Just out of curiosity what
> is the user and staff client software that you are talking about?
http://variations.sourceforge.net/ The demo movies at
http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/projects/variations3/demos.html give a good
introduction to what it does
> If you store your content in S3, and clients stream it directly from
> there (through CloudFront) you may not even need to autoscale your
> app. But I guess I'm still not clear on what the app is. Is it some
> kind of catalog of audio files. Is it distinct from the client/staff
> software you mentioned?
The core use case we're interested in (which appears to be the same one
this software was designed for) is to support streaming music reserves. In
other words, staff catalog and upload music and there's an easy interface
that allows people to listen to music for specific classes that's access
controlled as appropriate. It also lets you do stuff like diagram the
structure of the music or read scanned scores.
There is a web interface, but the functionality is not the same as the
Windows and MacOS client/staff setup at this time
Kyle Banerjee
Digital Services Program Manager
Orbis Cascade Alliance
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