Hi all,
I am using the OCLC Classify API. As show in the sample response snippet
below the two attributes "sfa" and "nsfa" could hold different values.
According to
sfa - classification number from the subfield $a of 082/092 or 050/090,
or 060/096
nsfa - normalized classification number from the subfield $a of 082/092
or 050/090, or 060/096
However,I would like to know how this normalization is done.
t:100.0&chtt=All+Editions&chdl=Classified (100.00%)</graph>
t:100.0,16.666668,16.666668,16.666668&chl=Functional programming
(Computer science)|Lambda calculus|Modality (Logic)|Type theory|</graph>
<heading heldby="6" ident="fst00936086">Functional programming
(Computer science)</heading>
<heading heldby="1" ident="fst00991011">Lambda
<heading heldby="1" ident="fst01024350">Modality
<heading heldby="1" ident="fst01159972">Type theory</heading>
<mostPopular holdings="6" nsfa="510.78" sfa="510.7808"/>
<mostRecent holdings="6" sfa="510.7808"/>