I have a fairly basic web service I want to hack on that would manage some
stuff (not too much) and feed out JSON in response to request. I'd like
to do it in Python so I can get to know the language.
StackOverflow is filled with comparisons of Python web frameworks, but I
wanted to get the sense from all the Python hackers here about what
framework might be a good one given their personal experiences.
Django is very full-featured and well documented, and would make a complex
project simple, but I think has more than I need; Flask looks pretty
simple and could suit the basic service I want to do; web2py looks pretty
I know this isn't a particularly answerable question and the best thing to
do is to try one and hack on it, and do it right the second time, but
since future Python work might involve RDF and linked data, and there are
so many Python people here whose opinion I value, I thought I'd throw it
William Denton
Toronto, Canada