Ah, thanks.
> If you are thinking of using Summon with a different link resolver,
> you'd have to see if they provide a similar pass-through type service. I
> *think* that SFX does.
SFX indeed does, but I think on the same basis as 360Link -- turn it on
or off globally.
Umlaut, the open source link resolver front-end that I develop, provides
this feature with even more control -- a URL query param can be provided
to turn it on for certain requests but off globally. So for instance, if
your Summon interface could send that special URL param with it's
openURLs, you could have it on for links from Summon but off for default
links. Or if you were creating your own Summon interface with the
Summon API, you could even have one link (say, off of title) that did "1
click", but another link (say, below the record) that gave you the full
Alternately, if you have no control of the linking like this, a feature
could easily be added to Umlaut to turn on or off "1 click" behavior
based on source ID (rfr_id in the openurl, or even HTTP referrer).
I've been investigating Summon a bit with some trial access, and I have
to say, just from a very basic surface invesgitation of this particular
feature so far -- I am indeed quite impressed with Summon's "index
enhanced linking" -- some things will just NEVER work well with OpenURL
(say, digital video or audio links), and Summon's "index enhanced
linking" also sometimes gets you to open access online copies that
existing OpenURL link resolver products do a very poor job of discovering.