Digital Libraries and Information Access<>
Research perspectives
Edited by G G Chowdhury, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, and Schubert Foo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
"Professors Chowdhury and Foo are to be commended on assembling this thoughtful body of work on digital libraries from around the world. The volume is a valuable addition to library collections, digital and otherwise."
- Christine L Borgman, UCLA
An authoritative and truly global exploration of current research in digital libraries.
Internationally renowned academics discuss what has been achieved with digital libraries and what we can expect in the future through the prism of research. The increasing number of digital libraries in all sectors and the pressure of ever more demanding and diverse user needs have encouraged the development of user-centred interfaces, intelligent search and retrieval capabilities, effective metadata description and efficient contents organization.
In addition to the two editors who are renowned for their works in digital library research, this collection brings together established international names in the field to analyse these developments in relation to users and information access and the future trends and challenges that practitioners will face.
Contents: Foreword Christine L Borgman | Digital libraries and information access: introduction Gobinda Chowdhury and Schubert Foo | Design and architecture of digital libraries Hussein Suleman | Metadata and crowdsourced data for access and interaction in digital library user interfaces Ali Shiri and Dinesh Rathi | Information Access Gobinda Chowdhury and Schubert Foo | Collaborative Search and Retrieval in Digital Libraries Dion Hoe-Lian Goh | The social element of digital libraries Natalie Pang | Towards socially inclusive digital libraries Chern Li Liew | Users interactions with digital libraries T D Wilson and Elena Macevičiūtė | Digital libraries and scholarly information: technology, market, users and usage Jeonghyun Kim, Angel Durr and Suliman Hawamdeh | Digital libraries and open access Gobinda Chowdhury and Schubert Foo | iSTEM: integrating subject categories from multiple repositories Christopher C Yang and Jung-ran Park | Usability of digital libraries Sudatta Chowdhury | Intellectual property and digital libraries Michael Fraser | Digital preservation: interoperability ad modum Milena Dobreva and Raivo Ruusalepp | Digital libraries and information access: research trends Gobinda Chowdhury and Schubert Foo.
256pp | £49.95
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Introduction to Information Science<>
By David Bawden & Lyn Robinson
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