[Background: SUSHI
<http://www.niso.org/committees/SUSHI/SUSHI_comm.html>is a SOAP
protocol for getting data on use of electronic resources in the
COUNTER format]
I'm just starting to look at trying to get COUNTER data via SUSHI into our
data warehouse, and I'm discovering that apparently no one has worked on a
SUSHI client since late 2009.
Unless....I'm missing one? Anyone out there using SUSHI and have a client
that works and is up-to-date and has some documentation of some sort? I'd
prefer ruby or java, but will take anything that'll run under linux (i.e.,
not C#) at this point.
I'm desperately trying not to have to deal with the raw SOAP and parsing
the XML and such, so any help would be appreciated.
Bill Dueber
Library Systems Programmer
University of Michigan Library