Hi Code4Lib,
I'm trying to set up a project with the LITA/ACTS Code Year Interest Group
on learning Git & Github. I know there was some interest expressed here in
the past so I thought I would mention it.
There are tons of training materials out there but I thought our project
would give people a real repository to play around in without fear of
breaking stuff. So if you want to learn more, check out our initial
repository <https://github.com/LibraryCodeYearIG/Codeyear-IG-Github-Project>or
get in touch with me. Or if you're one of the many git veterans that
hangs out on Code4Lib, we'd love to have your assistance in developing more
lessons and debugging the current ones.
Eric Phetteplace
Emerging Technologies Librarian
Chesapeake College
Wye Mills, MD