Hey, all, apologies for cross posting-
Chris Evjy (Jeffco Public, Colorado) and I are putting together a
presentation about Drupal development in libraries for the upcoming
DrupalCamp Colorado conference. We could use your collective help with the
*1. What communication/support/networking venues are out there for Drupal
developers in libraries? *We know about/have participated in:
-the drupal4lib mailing list
-the ALA LITA Drupal Interest Group
-the Libraries group on drupal.org: http://groups.drupal.org/libraries
-the drupalib web site: http://drupalib.interoperating.info/
...did we miss any?
*2. Does anyone know of a comprehensive, up-to-date list of
library-specific contributed modules?*
There's this one:
...but it was last updated in March 2012;
And this one:
...which feels incomplete.
I've made a couple for trainings I've done, but they're out of date now,
too. :) Thanks in advance!
*3. Does anyone know of any installation profiles and/or Drupal
distributions that have been created for libraries,* AND: if you know of
any, have they been officially contributed back to d.o?
Also, *4: Chris and I are trying to brainstorm ideas for better
communication/collaboration regarding library-specific Drupal
development-any ideas?* Success stories to share, either in
library/non-profit/other environments? How can we promote
adoption/use/growth of Drupal in library environments? How could we better
collaborate to save one another time, and what projects/products does the
Drupal library community need? (Okay, so that was, like, questions 4-7, but
Thanks in advance!
Nina McHale
Aten Design Group