> As for cloud computing I am rather unsure of how that can be applied to the
> libraries. Possibly it can be used as part of the collaborative space?
> Possibly it can be utilized for file redundancy in digital archives to help with
> preservation of born digital records? I simply am not sure but it is an area of
> IT innovation so it would be neat to hear people's ideas.
Several discovery platforms qualify as cloud-based services. One example is the EBSCOhost Discovery Service. OCLC WorldCat Local has long been an example of a cloud-based library service. Now, WorldCat Local is also a component of OCLC WorldShare Management System. WorldShare (previously called Webscale Services) is an attempt to move the services provided by the traditional ILS into the cloud--acquisitions, licensing, catalog maintenance, discovery, circulation, and patron management.
Steve McDonald
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