Located on the campus of New College of Florida, the Jane Bancroft Cook
Library is a shared service of New College of Florida & the University of
South Florida Sarasota-Manatee and is a highly collaborative organization. The
Emerging Technologies Librarian assists with the planning and implementation
of reference services and bibliographic instruction for the Jane Bancroft Cook
Library. This librarian serves as the liaison for the Division of Humanities.
Under direction of the Director of Research, Instruction and Outreach
Services, the Emerging Technologies Librarian is active in the New College
community, reaching out to constituents by creating welcoming virtual spaces
online and through social media. The librarian participates in staff
development through presenting at professional conferences and conducting
technology training among library staff and the larger community. S/he
supports the adoption of new technologies through comprehensive research and
application of emerging trends in educational technology, as best suited for
the institution. The librarian has primary responsibility for the development,
implementation and maintenance of the library web site, using Google Sites and
the MyNCF portal, and serves as the Chair of the Marketing Committee for the
library, continuously assessing marketing strategies through the creation and
distribution of print and virtual posters and promotions and social media
channels. Please visit [www.ncf.edu](http://www.ncf.edu), Careers for
additional information and to complete the NCF on-line
application. Faxed/e-mailed materials will not be accepted
for this position. The College is especially interested in candidates who can
contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic
community. New College of Florida is an Equal Opportunity
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